Sunday, December 6, 2009


I don't write much, and I'm not even sure how long I'll keep up an actual blog before I get bored and move on to the next distraction, but, I suppose it doesn't matter. I need a good distraction. The good thing that I just learned it you can have multiple blogs under one account, sort of like starting a new chapter in your life if you've spent time away. Huffah...! Anyway...

Once upon a time...

There was a girl who fell in love with a boy. This boy lived far away over vast valleys of green, oceans of doubt, and streets of death, pollution, violence and disease. He lived in a world much different than her own, but she loved him for his uniqueness, you see, because he was not like those pathetic guys who trotted around her like a prize show-horse. He had strength, passion, and pain in his eyes. He knew the real world.

They would spend hours talking about non-sense and fun-sense, and all-sensings of things exciting. The idea that he may not be there one day never crossed her mind until one day he was gone. He had disappeared like all those poor girls on the crime shows your parents watch on television.

Two years passed without a word. Her life had bought a one-way ticket to Hell without her permission and she was dragged along for the ride into the fiery pits of adulthood. She could only assume he was dead, or hated her for some reason or another, and trust me, she had a list formed. But, she moved on. She always searched for boys that shared a similar trait; a goofy smile, corny jokes, the ability to make her feel loved... but, like with any other creation, you need the right mix to get perfection, and she only found low-self esteem and self-loathing.

And then one day, he was back. Apologies spilled from his mouth like random notes, and she couldn't bare the idea of turning him away now. Words were said that could never be taken back and feelings and hearts were left on the table for the taking. Every day, together, finally, and it was as if time did not exist; as if time had never even passed at all.

He made a promise to never leave again. His love would not turn him into a coward again; he would not run from the fear of pain and heartbreak. He would stay, he would love, and she would be loved.

Where is your promise now, boy?